
Polja označena sa * su obavezna.

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Pravila i uvjeti oglašavanja i korištenja stranice


Oglašavanjem se bavimo već cijeli niz godina i naše stranice su prepoznate na internetu. Mi naše domaćine tj vlasnike apartmana, kampova, hotela, ili rent'a'cara oglašavamo kroz Google i druge platforme. I u reklami uz destinaciju uvijek stavimo i oglas od nekog oglašivača. Oglas vrijedi 1 godinu i automatski se obnavlja. Mi pazimo kroz cijelu godinu na Vaše oglase. Advertising

Prices for categories:

HOTELS = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%) per year, 10 or more photos + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

PRIVATE APARTMENTS = 200,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

PRIVATE ROOMS = 150,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CAMPING = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 8 languages (your translation)

VILLAS/HOUSES = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

AGROTOURISM = 200,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

HOSTEL = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CASTLE - DVORCI = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CONGRESS TOURISM = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

WELLNESS = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

SPAS = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

COSMETICS & BEAUTY STUDIOS / SALONS = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more+ possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

RENT'A'CAR, BIKE, SCOOTER, BOAT = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

ADVENTURE, EXTREME, OUTDOOR, TEAM BUILDING, RECREATION = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

TENNIS – TENNIS CAMPS & SQUASH = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

YACHTING = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CLUBS & NIGHT LIFE = 200,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CONCERTS, FESTIVALS, EVENTS = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

RESTAURANTS = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

REAL ESTATE CROATIA = 100,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per month, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

TOURIST AGENCY = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

AEROBIC, FITNESS, WORKOUT = 500,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

CASINOS = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

TRANSPORTATION = 1000,00 kuna + PDV (tax 25%), per year, 10 photos or more + possibility of having text in 9 languages (your translation)

Ukoliko želite da mi postavimo Vaš oglas (slike I tekstove) to se dodatno naplaćuje 122 kune.

Postavljanjem oglasa na naše stranice prihvaćate uvjete oglašavanja. Web portal Accommodation Rentals Croatia nije odgovoran za podatke i/ili krive informacije u oglasu ili podacima oglašivaća. Svaki oglašivač samostalno odgovara za sve podatke iz svojeg oglasa.

Prices above are for payments inside Croatia. Payments paid by swift outside Croatia are 60 kuna more.

Why advertise on ?
Because our website visitors are from the most active consumer groups:
• used to using the internet
• used to online shopping
• can afford to travel frequently
• have credit / debit cards, so can pay for goods easily online

Our website • is very well-positioned on search engines all year round
• is updated and maintained on a daily basis
• visitors find our website professional, user-friendly and well-designed

Also • with us, your advertisement will always be new and fresh, since our website has a high number of unique visitors
• your company has a great opportunity to reach new customers by advertising on our site
• is ideal for local, regional and Europe-wide advertising campaigns, as our site is available in a number of different languages Advertisements and prices

Discounts • First advertiser client discount: – 10 %
• Media or Advertising Agency commission: – 15 %
General terms and conditions of advertising
Basic regulations
Accommodation Rentals Croatia (,,, -,,, -, is owned by Morris doo, Radićev odvojak 37, Velika Gorica, Croatia MB: 0239755: OIB 42909079393
• adverisments are sold according to the number of impressions (page views)
• orders for advertisements must be submitted on our application form.
Orders must define the number of impressions, duration of the campaign, location on the site and any additional conditions
• the total payment of the campaign must be wire transferred to our bank account by the date indicated on our invoice

Completing orders
• If the campaign (for objective reasons) has not been completed in an established period of time, it will be prolonged or an advertiser may choose to use the remaining number of impressions in the next order

Content and style of advertisments
• Accommodation Rentals Croatia reserves the right to stop and refuse the emission of advertisements without prior notice in case the content of the target page or look of a banner is violating the law, community life rules or third party rights.
• Accommodation Rentals Croatia reserves the right to stop or refuse the emission of advertisements when their content of form is deemed contradictory to the mission and interests of Accommodation Rentals Croatia.

Technical requirements
• Accommodation Rentals Croatia accepts banners in jpg, gif, animated gif, FLASH and html types at a max.size of 30 Kb, URL address and ALT text can be attached to the banner
• All advertising materials necessary to start the campaign ought to be provided no later than 2 business days prior to the start of the campaign

Contact If you need more information or you would like to submit an advertisement, please contact us via email:
© 2025. Designed and all rights - Accommodation Rentals Croatia